Sunday 3 July 2011


Maida - 1 cup
Kalonji seeds - 1/4 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Baking Powder - 1/2 tsp
Whole black pepper - 20
Water - less than 1/2 cup
White Oil - 3 tbsp + 2 cups (for deep frying)

  1. Take maida in a bowl. To it add kalonji seeds, salt, baking powder, and 3 tbsp oil. Mix well for 5-6 min.
  2. Then add water to make it into a tight dough. Knead well for 7 min.
  3. Make 20 small balls. Using a rolling pin, flatten the balls to a very thin pancake.
  4. Fold into half  2 times consecutively giving it the shape of a quadrant or square
Cooking procedure:
  1. Heat oil in kadai.
  2. Add the prepared nimki/crackers to oil and fry on slow heat.
  3. Remove the nimki/crackers when brown and keep aside. Drain excess oil by keeping the fries on a paper towel.


  1. wow. One of my favorites explained so easily. It would also be nicer to post videos of the same. That would make people to understand it easily.

  2. thats really a gud idea Anand....I'll sure try to accomplish it...
